Life has been a little crazy lately. More than I care to go into now, but it explains why I haven't been blogging. Today I came across this post on one of the blogs I read regularly. I posted the same video below in case you don't want to click out. I share it because it seems that often times when my needs seem the greatest to me, that they are best lifted by looking on the needs of others. It is not that my worries and concerns are unimportant, but when I view a video like the one below it readjusts my view. The concerns of my yesterdays, today and tomorrows cannot change my standing with my Savior for my salvation rests securely in Him. Nothing that happens to me here can change that. When I compare that to these thousands who have never heard it helps to put into perspective my worries in the present moment and their souls in the light of eternity. Would you pray with me that the Gospel would be proclaimed through this ministry?
Now playing: Chris Rice - Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) [#]
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With Our Eyes on God
4 hours ago