Our daughter Hannah had faithfully worked for 3 years in the AWANA Sparks program to finish all three books of memorization work. One of the rewards for doing that was the end of the year "Sparks Day" at Camp AWANA. Unfortunately, we had a problem with the day she was suppose to go due to the fact that she needed surgery on her feet. Both of her pinky toes were hammertoes that required surgery to straighten. That meant limited walking for a few weeks and sandals only for the whole summer while her toes healed. Trying to be the good parents, we promised her her own "Sparky" hike when she was healed up. So this last Sunday was the day. Hannah and I took three of her friends out for pizza after church and spent the afternoon hiking and geocaching.
Here are the girls after lunch, ready for their first cache!
Trying to use the GPS.
Why geocache when there is a park here?
Our last cache. This one was the first part of a multi-cache. In the green tube the girls are holding, there are coordinates to the next hidden cache, after finding that one, the coordinates will lead you to the final cache.
All in all we had a great time. I returned with all four girls, slightly wet, a few scratched and bloody, everyone of them very tired, but I returned with all four.
PS. For those who don't know, Hannah is the one in the white shirt with the heart on it.
The Greatest Beauty I’ve Ever Seen
5 hours ago
Thanks again, Eric, for taking the girls on this neat activity.
You know, I looked for a while at that last picture (the one with all 4 girls looking at the camera) and wow! do they look old! I think they must be 8 going on 18!
Here's what's weird to me...3 of the girls have parents who went to high school together. Who would have thought our girls would be good friends 17 years later! I agree with Jeannette...how did they get so old?
Looks like they had a fantastic time! What great fun.
Thanks for clarifying which girl was yours! I knew 2 of them, but I was wondering which one was Hannah.
So now you need to post a picture of your entire family so we can "meet" them all!
Y'all are making me feel old. Knock it off!
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